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Synthetic protein-conductive membrane nanopores built with DNA
Diederichs, T., G. Pugh, A. Dorey, Y. Xing, J.R. Burns, Q.H. Nguyen, M. Tornow, R. Tampé, S. Howorka
Nat Commun, 10: 5018 (2019)
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Synthetic protein-conductive membrane nanopores built with DNA
Diederichs, T., G. Pugh, A. Dorey, Y. Xing, J.R. Burns, Q.H. Nguyen, M. Tornow, R. Tampé, S. Howorka
Nat Commun, 10: 5018 (2019)
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Donnelly, J. L. , D. Offenbartl‐Stiegert, J. M. Marín‐Beloqui, L. Rizzello, G. Battaglia, T. M. Clarke, S. Howorka and J. D. Wilden
Chem. – A Eur. J., 25, (2019)
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Solvent-dependent Photophysics of a Red-shifted, Biocompatible Coumarin Photocage
Offenbartl-Stiegert, D., T. M. Clarke, H. Bronstein, H. P. Nguyen and S. Howorka
Org. Biomol. Chem., 17: 6178-6183 (2019)
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Structural and Functional Stability of DNA Nanopores in Biological Media
Burns, J. R., S. Howorka
Nanomaterials, 9(4): 490 (2019)
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Cholesterol Anchors Enable Efficient Binding and Intracellular Uptake of DNA Nanostructures
Whitehouse, W. L. , J. E. Noble, M. G. Ryadnov, S. Howorka
Bioconjugate Chem., 30(7): 1836-1844 (2019)
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Arnott, P. M. , S. Howorka
ACS Nano, 13(3): 3334-3340 (2019)
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Opto‐epigenetic modulation of DNA methylation with a photo‐responsive small‐molecule approach
Nguyen, H.P., S. Stewart, M. N. Kukwikila, S. Fôn Jones, D. Offenbartl-Stiegert, S. Mao, S. Balasubramanian, S. Beck, S. Howorka
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 58(20): 6620-6624 (2019)
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Chidchob, P., D. Offenbartl-Stiegert, D. McCarthy, X. Luo, J. Li, S. Howorka, H.F. Sleiman
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 141(2): 1100-1108 (2019)
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DNA Origami–Lipid Membrane Interactions Controlled by Nanoscale Sterics
Georgio, E., Cabello-Garcia J., Xing Y., Howorka. S
Small, (2024)
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Lipidated DNA Nanostructures Target and Rupture Bacterial Membranes
Bennett, I. D., Burns, J.R., Ryadnov, G. M., Howorka. S
Small, (2024)
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Nanopore DNA sequencing technologies and their applications towards single-molecule proteomics
Dorey A., Howorka S.
Nat Chem, (2024)
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Ahmad K., A. Javed, C.Lanphere, P. V. Coveney, E. V. Orlova, S. Howorka
Nat Commun., 14, 10, 3630 (2023)
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Suh S. H., Y. Xing, A. Rottensteiner, R. Zhu, Y. J. Oh, S. Howorka, P. Hinterdorfer
Nano Lett., 23, 10, 4439–4447 (2023)
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Functional nanopores enabled with DNA
Xing Y., A. Rottensteiner, J. Ciccone, S. Howorka
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202303103.
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Multi‐Stimuli Responsive and Mechano‐Actuated Biomimetic Membrane Nanopores Self‐Assembled from DNA
Xing Y., A. Dorey, S. Howorka
Adv. Mater., 2023, Accepted Author Manuscript 2300589
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Creating complex protocells and prototissues using simple DNA building blocks
Arulkumaran N., M. Singer, S. Howorka, J. R. Burns
Nat Commun, 14, 1314 (2023)
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Nanopores: synergy from DNA sequencing to industrial filtration – small holes with big impact
Siwy Z. S., M. L. Bruening, S. Howorka
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2023, Advance Article
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A Light-Triggered Synthetic Nanopore for Controlling Molecular Transport Across Biological Membranes
Offenbartl-Stiegert D., A. Rottensteiner, A. Dorey, S. Howorka
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, e202210886
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Sizing up DNA nanostructure assembly with native mass spectrometry and ion mobility
Van Dyck J. F., J. R. Burns, K. I. P. Le Huray, A. Konijnenberg, S. Howorka, F. Sobott
Nature Communications 13, 3610 (2022)
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A reversibly gated protein-transporting membrane channel made of DNA
Dey S., A. Dorey, L. Abraham, Y. Xing, I. Zhang, F. Zhang, S. Howorka, H. Yan
Nature Communications 13, 2271 (2022)
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Highly shape-and size-tunable membrane nanopores made with DNA
Xing Y., A. Dorey, L. Jayasinghe, S. Howorka
Nature Nanotechnology 17, 708–713 (2022)
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Triggered Assembly of a DNA-Based Membrane Channel
Lanphere C., J. Ciccone, A. Dorey, N. Hagleitner-Ertuğrul, D. Knyazev, S. Haider, S. Howorka
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 10, 4333–4344
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Principles of Small-Molecule Transport through Synthetic Nanopores
Diederichs T., K. Ahmad, J. R. Burns, Q. H. Nguyen, Z. S. Siwy, M. Tornow, P. V. Coveney, R. Tampé, S. Howorka
ACS Nano 2021, 15, 10, 16194–16206
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Protein transport through nanopores illuminated by long-time-scale simulations
Mitscha-Baude G., B. Stadlbauer, S. Howorka, C. Heitzinger
ACS Nano 2021, 15, 6, 9900–9912
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Hydrophobic Interactions between DNA Duplexes and Synthetic and Biological Membranes
Fon Jones S., H. Joshi, S. J. Terry, J. R. Burns, A. Aksimentiev, U. S. Eggert, S.Howorka
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2021, 143, 8305–8313.
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DNA Nanodevices with Selective Immune Cell Interaction and Function
Arulkumaran N., C. Lanphere, C. Gaupp, J. R. Burns, M. Singer, and S.Howorka
ACS Nano, 2021, 15, 4394–4404.
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Design, assembly, and characterization of membrane-spanning DNA nanopores.
Lanphere C., D. Offenbartl-Stiegert, A. Dorey, G. Pugh, E. Georgiou, Yo. Xing, J. R. Burns, S.Howorka
Nat Protoc 16, 86–130 (2021)
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A Biomimetic DNA‐Based Membrane Gate for Protein‐Controlled Transport of Cytotoxic Drugs
Lanphere, C. , P. Arnott, S. Fôn Jones, K. Korlova S. Howorka
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 59: 2-8, (2020)
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Dynamic interactions between lipid-tethered DNA and phospholipid membranes
Arnott, P. M. , J. Himanshu, A. Aksimentiev, S. Howorka
Langmuir, 34(49): 15084-15092, Cover (2018)
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Hager, R., A. Arnold, E. Sevcsik, G. J. Schütz, S. Howorka
Langmuir, 34: 15021-15027 (2018)
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Comparing proteins and nucleic acids for next-generation biomolecular engineering
Pugh, G. C., J. R. Burns, S. Howorka
Nat Rev Chem, 2: 113-130 (2018)
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Multi-functional DNA nanostructures that puncture and remodel lipid membranes into hybrid materials
Birkholz, O., J. R. Burns, C. P. Richter, O. E. Psathaki, S. Howorka, J. Piehler
Nat Commun, 9: 1521 (2018)
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Defined Bilayer Interactions of DNA Nanopores Revealed with a Nuclease-Based Nanoprobe Strategy
Burns, J. R., S. Howorka
ACS Nano, 12(4): 3263–3271 (2018)
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Stability and Dynamics of Membrane-Spanning DNA Nanopores
Maingi, V., J. R. Burns, J. J. Uusitalo, S. Howorka, S. J. Marrink, M. S. P. Sansom
Nat Commun, 8: 14784 (2017)
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Arrays of Individual DNA Molecules on Nanopatterned Substrates
Roland, H., A. Halilovic, J. R. Burns, F. Schäffler, S. Howorka
Sci Rep, 7: 42075 (2017)
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Nanopores and Nanochannels: From Gene Sequencing to Genome Mapping
S. Howorka, Z. Siwy
ACS Nano, 10(11): 9768–9771 (2016)
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Biomimetic Hybrid Nanocontainers with Selective Permeability
Messager, L., J. R. Burns, D. Cecchin, J. Hindley, A. L. B. Pyne, J. Gaitzsch, G. Battaglia, S. Howorka
Angew Chem Int Ed, 55(37): 11106–11109 (2016)
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Changing of the Guard: DNA Nanostructures Mimic Membrane Proteins
S. Howorka
Science, 352(6288): 890-891 (2016)
Heading 1
Hager, R., J. R. Burns, M. J. Grydlik, A. Halilovic, T. Haselgrübler, F. Schäffler, S. Howorka
Small, 12(21): 2877–2884 (2016)
Heading 1
Burns, J. R., A. Seifert, N. Fertig, S. Howorka
Nat Nanotechnol, 11(2): 152-156, Cover (2016)
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Gating-like Motions and Wall Porosity in a DNA Nanopore Scaffold Revealed by Molecular Simulations
Maingi, V., M. Lelimousin, S. Howorka, M. Sansom
ACS Nano, 9(11): 11209–11217 (2015)
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A Training Program to Improve the Interdisciplinary Breadth and Depth of your Research Group
P. Lukeman, S. Howorka
Nat Nanotechnol, 10(11): 992 (2015)
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Ren, C., R. Schlapak, R. Hager, I. Szleifer, S. Howorka
Langmuir, 31(42): 11491–11501 (2015)
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Ficici, E., I. Andricioaei, S. Howorka
Nano Lett, 5(7): 4822-4828 (2015)
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Nanopore-Based Electrical and Label-Free Sensing of Enzyme Activity in Blood Serum
Kukwikila, M., S. Howorka
Anal Chem, 87(18): 9149–9154 (2015)
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Bilayer-Spanning DNA Nanopores with Voltage-Switching between Open and Closed State
Seifert, A., K. Göpfrich, J. R. Burns, N.Fertig, U.F. Keyser, S. Howorka
Heading 1
S-layer Structure in Bacteria and Archaea
C. Madhurantakam, S. Howorka, H. Remaut
In: Nanomicrobiology L. L. Barton et al. (eds.), Springer Science+ Business Media New York, 11-37 (2014)
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Membrane-Spanning DNA Nanopores with Cytotoxic Effect
Burns, J. R., N. Al-Juffali, S. M. Janes, S. Howorka
Angew Chem Int Ed 53(46): 12466-12470 (2014)
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DNA-Modified Polymer Pores Allow pH and Voltage-Gated Control of Channel Flux
S. Buchsbaum, G. Nguyen, S. Howorka, Z. Siwy
J Am Chem Soc, 136(28): 9902-9905 (2014)
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Involvement of SbsB in Ca2+ Triggered S-Layer Assembly
C. Madhurantakam, S. Howorka, H. Remaut (2014)
Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, 2-8.
Heading 1
Structure and Mechanism of the Bacterial Protein Secretion Channel CsgG
Goyal, P., P. V. Krasteva, N. Van Gerven, F. Gubellini, I. Van den Broeck, A. Troupiotis-Tsaïlaki, W. Jonckheere, G. Péhau-Arnaudet, J. S. Pinkner, M. R. Chapman, S. J. Hultgren, S. Howorka, R. Fronzes, H. Remaut
Nature, 516(7530): 250-253 (2014)
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Microarrays and Single Molecules: An Exciting Combination
S. Howorka, J. Hesse
Soft Matter, 10(7): 931–941 (2014)
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Lipid Bilayer-Spanning DNA Nanopores with a Bifunctional Porphyrin Anchor
Burns, J. R., K. Göpfrich, J. W. Wood, V. V. Thacker, E. Stulz, U. F. Keyser, S. Howorka
Angew Chem Int Ed, 52(46): 12069–12072 (2013)
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Disentangling Steric and Electrostatic Factors in Nanoscale Transport Through Confined Space
Buchsbaum, S., N. Mitchell, M. Hugh, M. Wiggin, A. Marziali, P. V. Coveney, S. Ziwy, S. Howorka
Nano Lett, 13(8): 3890–3896 (2013)
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Self-Assembled DNA Nanopores that Span Lipid Bilayers
Burns, J., Stulz, E., S. Howorka
Nano Lett, 13(6): 2351-2356 (2013)
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SbsB Structure and Lattice Reconstruction Unveil Ca2+ Triggered S-layer Assembly
Baranova, E., Fronzes, R., Garcia-Pino, A., Papapostolou, D., Péhau-Arnaudet, G., Pardon, E., Steyaert, S., Howorka, S., Remaut, H.
Nature, 487(405): 119-122 (2012)
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Painting with Biomolecules at the Nanoscale: Biofunctionalization with Tunable Surface Densities
Schlapak, R., Danzberger, J., Haselgruebler, T., Hinterdorfer, P., Schäffler, F., Howorka, S.
Nano Lett, 12(4), 1983–1989 (2012)
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Microarrays and Single Molecules: An Exciting Combination
S. Howorka, J. Hesse
Soft Matter, 10(7): 931–941 (2014)
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Nanoscale DNA Tetrahedra Improve Biomolecular Recognition on Patterned Surfaces
Schlapak, R., J. Danzberger, D. Armitage, D. Morgan, P. D. Pollheimer, H. J. Gruber, F. Schäffler, S. Howorka
Small, 8(1): 89-97 (2012)
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Single-Molecule AFM Characterization of Individual Chemically Tagged DNA Tetrahedra
Leitner, M., N. Mitchell, M. Kastner, R. Schlapak, H. J. Gruber, P. Hinterdorfer, S. Howorka, A. Ebner
ACS Nano, 5(9): 7048-7054 (2011)
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The structure of Bacterial S-layer Proteins
Pavkov-Keller, T., S. Howorka, W. Keller
In: Molecular Assembly in Natural and Engineered Systems, Series title: Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, Academic Press, Editor: S. Howorka: 73-130 (2011)
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Rationally Engineering Natural Protein Assemblies in Nanobiotechnology
S. Howorka
Curr Opin Biotechnol, 22: 485-491 (2011)
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Nanoimaging, Molecular Interaction, and Nanotemplating of Human Rhinovirus Nanopores
Kastner, M., C. Rankl, A. Ebner, P. D. Pollheimer, S. Howorka, H. J. Gruber, D. Blaas, P. Hinterdorfer
In: Scanning Probe Microscopy in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol.2., Editor, B. Bhushan, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (2011)
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Nguyen, G., S. Howorka, Z. S. Siwy
J Membr Biol, 239(1-2): 105-13 (2011)
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Improved Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy for Imaging Individual DNA Molecules on Insulating Surfaces
Carl Leung, Dario Maradan, Armin Kramer, Stefan Howorka, Patrick Mesquida and Bart W Hoogenboom
Appl Phys Lett, 97, 203703 (2010)
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Biosensors and Biofuel Cells with Engineered Proteins
Caruana, D. J., S. Howorka
Mol Biosyst, 6(8): 1548 - 1556 (2010)
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Zhu, R., S. Howorka, J. Pröll, F. Kienberger, J. Preiner, J. Hesse, A. Ebner, V. P. Pastushenko, H. J. Gruber, P. Hinterdorfer
Nature Nanotechnol, 5(11): 788-791 (2010)
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Winroth, G., O. Fenwick, M. A. Scott, D. Yip, S. Howorka, F. Cacialli
Appl Phys Lett, 97(4): 043304 (2010)
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Electrically Sensing Protease Activity with Nanopores
Kukwikila, M., S. Howorka
J Physics, 22(45): 454103 (2010)
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Chemical Tags Mediate the Self-Assembly of DNA Strands into Supramolecular Structures
Mitchell, N., A. Ebner, P. Hinterdorfer, R. Tampe, S. Howorka
Small, 6(16): 1732–1735 (2010)
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Kinns, H., H. Badelt-Lichtblau, E.M. Egelseer, U.B. Sleytr, S. Howorka
J Mol Biol, 395(4): 742-753 (2010)
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Heading 1
Schlapak, R., D. Caruana, D. Armitage, S. Howorka
Soft Matter, 5(21): 4104-4112 (2009)
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Synthesis and Enzymatic Incorporation of Modified Deoxyuridine Triphosphates
Borsenberger, V., M. Kukwikila, S. Howorka
Org Biomol Chem, 7(18): 3826-3835 (2009)
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Topography and Recognition Imaging of Protein Patterned Surfaces Generated by AFM Nanolithography
Zhu, R. A. Ebner, M. Kastner, J. Preiner, S. Howorka, P. Hinterdorfer
ChemPhysChem, 10(9-10):1478-81 (2009)
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Hugh, M., S. Jha., S. Howorka , P. Coveney
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Imaging Surface Charges of Individual Biomolecules
Leug, C., H. Kinns, B. Hoogenboom , S. Howorka , P. Mesquida
Nano Lett, 9(7): 2769-2773 (2009)
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Chemically Labeled Nucleotides and Oligonucleotides Encode DNA for Sensing with Nanopores
Borsenberger, V., N. Mitchell, Howorka, S.
J Am Chem Soc, 131(22): 7530-7531 (2009)
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Nanopore Analytics: Sensing of Single Molecules
Howorka, S., Z. Siwy
Chem Soc Rev, 38(8): 2360-2384 (2009)
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Engineering and Exploiting Protein Assemblies in Synthetic Biology
Papapostolou, D., S. Howorka
Mol Biosyst, 5(7): 723-732 (2009)
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Receptor Arrays for the Selective and Efficient Capturing of Viral Particles
Pollheimer, P. D., M. Kastner, A. Ebner, D. Blaas, P. Hinterdorfer, H. J. Gruber, S. Howorka
Bioconjug Chem, 20(3): 466–475 (2009)
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Diene-Modified Nucleotides for the Diels-Alder-Mediated Functional Tagging of DNA
Borsenberger, V., S. Howorka
Nucleic Acids Res, 37(5): 1477-1485 (2009)
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Selective Protein and DNA Adsorption on PLL-PEG Films Modulated by Ionic Strength
Schlapak, R., D. Armitage, N. Saucedo-Zeni, W. Chrzanowski, M. Hohage, D. Caruana, S. Howorka
Soft Matter, 5(3): 613-621. Cover. (2009)
Heading 1
Mitchell, N., R. Schlapak, M. Kastner, D. Armitage, W. Chrzanowski, J. Riener, P. Hinterdorfer, A. Ebner, S. Howorka
Angew Chem Int Ed, 48(3): 525-7 (2009)
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Nanopores: Generation, Engineering and Single-Molecule Applications
Howorka, S., Z. Siwy
In: Handbook of Single-Molecule Biophysics, Springer (2008)
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Chemical Tags Facilitate the Detection of Individual DNA Strands with Nanopores
Mitchell, N., S. Howorka
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Atomic Force Microscopy-Based Nano-Chip for the Detection of Human Pathogenic Viruses
Artelsmair, H., F. Kienberger, A. Tinazli, R. Schlapak, J. Preiner, J. Wruss, M. Kastner, N. Saucedo-Zeni, M. Hoelzl, C. Rankl, W. Baumgartner, S. Howorka, D. Blaas, H. J. Gruber, R. Tampé, P. Hinterdorfer
Small, 4(6): 847-54 (2008)
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The Surface Location of Individual Residues in a Bacterial S-Layer Protein
Kinns, H., S. Howorka
J Mol Biol, 377(2): 589-604 (2008)
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Self-Assembled Monolayers of Protonated Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimers on Indium-Tin-IOxide Electrodes
Latini, G., M. Wykes, R. Schlapak, S. Howorka, F. Cacialli
Appl Phys Lett, 92(1): 013511 (2008)
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Stochastic Detection of Motor Protein-RNA Complexes by Single-Channel Current Recording
Astier, Y., D. E. Kainov, H. Bayley, R. Tuma and S. Howorka
ChemPhysChem 8(15): 2189-2194 (2007)
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Creating Regular Arrays of Nanoparticles with Self-Assembling Protein Building Blocks
Howorka, S.
J Mater Chem 17(20): 2049-2053. Cover. (2007)
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Nanoscale Protein Pores Modified with PAMAM Dendrimers
Martin, H., H. Kinns, N. Mitchell, R. Madathil and S. Howorka
J Am Chem Soc, 129(31): 9640-9649 (2007)
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Dense Passivating Poly(ethylene glycol) Films on Indium Tin Oxide Substrates
Schlapak, R., D. Armitage, N. Saucedo-Zeni, M. Hohage, S. Howorka
Langmuir, 23(20): 10244-10253 (2007)
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Preparation and Characterization of Dense Films of Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimers on Indium Tin Oxide
Schlapak, R., D. Armitage, N. Saucedo-Zeni, G. Latini, H. J. Gruber, Y. Samotskaya, P. Mesquida, F. Cacialli, M. Hohage and S. Howorka
Langmuir, 23(17): 8916-8924 (2007)
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Drbal, K., M. Moertelmaier, C. Holzhauser, A. Muhammad, E. Fuertbauer, S. Howorka, M. Hinterberger, H. Stockinger and G. J. Schutz
Int Immunology, 19(5): 675-684 (2007)
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Sizing Trinucleotide Repeat Sequences by Single-molecule Analysis of Fluorescence Brightness
Schlapak, R., H. Kinns, C. Wechselberger, J. Hesse and S. Howorka
ChemPhysChem, 8(11): 1618-1621 (2007)
Heading 1
Schlapak, R., P. Pammer, D. Armitage, R. Zhu, P. Hinterdorfer, M. Vaupel, T. Fruhwirth and S. Howorka
Langmuir, 22(1): 277-285. Featured in Biophotonics International, March 2006. (2006)
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RNA Expression Profiling at the Single-molecule Level
Hesse, J., J. Jacak, M. Kasper, G. Regl, T. Eichberger, M. Winklmayr, F. Aberger, M. Sonnleitner, R. Schlapak, S. Howorka, L. Muresan, A. M. Frischauf and G. J. Schutz
Genome Res, 16(8): 1041-1045. Highlighted in Perspectives section of Genome Research. (2006)
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Nanopatterning of Biomolecules with Microscale Beads
Pammer, P., R. Schlapak, M. Sonnleitner, A. Ebner, R. Zhu, P. Hinterdorfer, O. Höglinger, H. G. Schindler and S. Howorka
ChemPhysChem, 6(5): 900-903 (2005)
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Protein Components for Nanodevices
Astier, Y., H. Bayley and S. Howorka
Curr Opin Chem Biol, 9(6): 576-584 (2005)
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Stochastic Detection of Monovalent and Multivalent Protein-ligand Interactions
Howorka, S., J. Nam, H. Bayley and D. Kahne
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 43(7): 842-846 (2004)
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Probing Distance and Electrical Potential within a Protein Pore with Tethered DNA
Howorka, S. and H. Bayley
Biophys J, 83(6): 3202-3210 (2002)
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High-throughput Scanning Mutagenesis by Recombination PCR
Howorka, S. and H. Bayley
In: In vitro Mutagenesis Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology. J. Braman. Totowa, NJ, Humana Press: 139-147 (2002)
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Movileanu, L., S. Cheley, S. Howorka, O. Braha and H. Bayley
J Gen Physiol, 117(3): 239-252 (2001)
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Sequence-specific Detection of Individual DNA-strands using Engineered Nanopores
Howorka, S., S. Cheley and H. Bayley
Nat Biotechnol, 19(7): 636-39. Featured in News and Views of issue. (2001)
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Kinetics of Duplex Formation for Individual DNA Strands within a Single Protein Nanopore
Howorka, S., L. Movileanu, O. Braha and H. Bayley
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 98(23): 12996-13001 (2001)
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A Protein Pore with a Single Polymer Chain Tethered within the Lumen
Howorka, S., L. Movileanu, X. Lu, M. Magnon, S. Cheley, O. Braha and H. Bayley
J Am Chem Soc, 122(11): 2411-2416. Editors' Choice in Science (2000) 287(5460): 1889-1890. (2000)
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Movileanu, L., S. Howorka, O. Braha and H. Bayley
Nat Biotechnol, 18(10): 1091-1095. Cover and News and Views. Equally contributing co-authorship. (2000)
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Surface Accessible Residues in the Monomeric and Assembled Form of a Bacterial Surface Layer Protein
Howorka, S., M. Sára, Y. Wang, B. Kuen, U. B. Sleytr, W. Lubitz and H. Bayley
Heading 1
Howorka, S., M. Sara, W. Lubitz and B. Kuen
FEMS Microbiol Lett, 172(2): 187-196 (1999)
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Improved Protocol for High Through-put Cysteine Scanning Mutagenesis
Howorka, S. and H. Bayley
BioTechniques, 25(5): 764-772 (1998)
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Biotechnological Applications of Recombinant S-layer Proteins rSbsA and rSbsB from B. Stearothermophilus PV72
Truppe, M., S. Howorka, G. Schroll, S. Lechleitner, S. Resch, B. Kuen and W. Lubitz
(1997) FEMS Microbiol Rev, 20(1-2): 88-98.
Heading 1
Breitwieser, A., S. Kupcu, S. Howorka, S. Weigert, C. Langer, K. Hoffmann Sommergruber, O. Scheiner, U. B. Sleytr and M. Sára
BioTechniques, 21(5): 918-925 (1996)